Free 15 minute guided alignments. The guided alignments are designed to move energy and shift vibration and initiate a process with the potential to clear limiting beliefs/wounds, to activate DNA and allow you to remember and reconnect to yourself and the elements on all levels, aligning with your highest and best way forward.

When doing the alignments I invite you to create a sacred space; make sure that you won’t be disturbed, clear your space, find your seating, light a candle, infuse a scent, bring flowers, a plant or crystal that you love - whatever works for you. I do recommend to be seated since that position will work best for this form of alignment work, but if you feel a strong urge to lie down, follow your intuition. Keep your eyes closed to keep your focus within. It is also valuable to use a headset since it will connect you closer to the sound and vibration.

Activating your True North

Increasing the space in between

A short grounding for your day

Working with

Blockages, filters have dropped, I feel more true, I feel more of myself and am not as afraid of it, thank you!

~ Anna.

All my life I have felt like a visitor on earth, I have always had a longing for something I did not know what it was, something bigger than what can be put into words and the search has been very painful and anxious . I longed to come home, to whatever that is, and I have several times been willing to give up completely. I started Metamorphosis and I came to the conclusion that the intention of the course was to come home to myself. I did not really know what that meant, but during the course and with Sanna's guidance, I found what I had always longed for so passionately that I never thought I would find.

~ Stina