My Beliefs

We create what we are, and our beliefs are an important starting point for who we are. I hope I will keep finding new perspectives and allow my beliefs to evolve. With the writing on this page my intent is to share where I am at in this now, so you can get a better sense of who I am and the foundations of my work.

  • The unique Essence

    In my world, the Essence is the intersection between our spirit, soul and body. It is alignment, it is coming home. I am drawn to the sparkling essence in a human and there is nothing more exciting than seeing that unfolding and expanding in a client or a loved one. We need every single unique tone and essence in the time to come, ringing as true as possible, resounding their own sound. Read the full story.

  • Allowing for Self-healing

    We are amazing beings; the intelligence of the human creation is bewildering. In my experience the most powerful healing modalities to work with is about creating enough space in our being to allow for Self-healing to come through. Usually this entails to get the rational left-side of the brain out of the picture, this can be done in many ways; Through Breath, Meditation, Sound, Hypnosis and Creating a strong vibration in the space we work are some examples I believe in. Read the full story.

  • Weaving into Earth

    What used to be above is now to be found below, and what used to be found outside is now to be found inside. Even though many are still awakening and ascending, many of us have felt and are feeling how we have entered a time of descension, grounding deep within ourselves and into the Earth. The word human means Earth or Earthling. I believe our greatest and most divine task is to come back to the knowing that we are earth. To reclaim that all that we today call “alternative” or “spiritual” is a natural state for being human and living our true nature. Read the full story.

My offering

Astrology gives us The Map of our soul in this lifetime, then there is The Journey and the transformational work, where I believe in the importance of laughter, breath, sound, meditation, nourishment, physical movement and immersing in nature

The Map


The natal chart is a blueprint of our journey and potential in this life, a map of this lifetime connected all the way to the DNA in your body. Years ago, I received ”an illustrative movie” in a meditation on how we choose the different experiences and learnings we want to have in this life, before coming here. In the meditation, the choosing of experiences and learnings seemed more like choosing different geometric forms and vibrations. I see the natal chart as a result of those choices in a compressed geometrical form. The natal chart holds our features, gifts, challenges and purpose, where we come from and where we are going in this lifetime. Through life we have the opportunity to experience every placement and aspect in our birth chart. During an astrology session with me, we will decipher your “map of life” together and make it come alive.

Of course, this astrology map can also be applied for us as a collective, to get an understanding of what collectively is affecting us at the moment - an energy report of sorts. Naturally the present planetary constellations affect us in different ways, depending on our unique birth chart, some transits will transform our life, others will not affect us that much. Different parts of our birth chart are activated in different times of our life, which is why it is interesting to relate our birth chart with the present planetary constellations.

 To me, astrology has become a translator of energies I feel as an energy intuitive, a way to dissect and get a deeper understanding of the energies and how they might affect us and be used for propelling our journey of self-discoveryforward. Through astrology I have also gained a greater acceptance for self and others, we are all here for different experiences, we grow in different areas of life in different ways, in different rhythms. There is a season for everything, and we are here to experience as much as possible of our unique path in our own rhythm. With that being said, the natal chart is no way limiting, it is designed for us to grow. With a growing consciousness come greater potential to manage our energy and live a life in greater joy, harmony and alignment and to help others with what we have transcended.

The Journey

I see my work as two-folded, there is the more mind based mapping of a soul through Astrology, where the natal chart is a map of our journey and potential in this life. Then there is the weaving and the journey, the transformational work, where I believe in the importance of laughter, breath, sound, meditation, nourishment, physical movement and immersing in nature in everyday life.


Energy or vibrational work is a wide concept, some call it healing or use a certain label for the specific energy or technique they work with or through. I do not have any label for the energy I work with since I experience it as the unique tone and essence that I have access to in this life, and that continuous evolve with me. My first conscious meeting with this energy happened in 2012 and had a big impact on me. I captured a photo of the energy looking like a spiral on fire, which made it very tangible. This was the initiation phase, and since then I have integrated this energy step by step. It naturally evolves as I am evolving, and I have been able to study what it does through my work with clients, physical spaces, and the earth. Clients describe my tone as serene, grounding, calming, healing, aligning, wise but also activating and uplifting. The energy invites alignment in humans and spaces by clearing discordant energies that is holding alignment back, it creates space for activations, self-healing, self-discovery and to reconnect to our essence and the earth.

 Our essence is shared in the field and is energetically weaving into everything we create and will always leave an imprint behind our words and our doing, everything we do belongs to everyone. To me the essence is the intersection between the body, the soul and the spirit which keeps evolving and unfolding. We all carry a unique tone, our true nature, and nothing inspires me more than seeing this tone and essence become clearer and louder within clients. I believe it is of great value in this time to uncover our true tone to be able to contribute to the grand orchestra that will direct this huge transformation that we are in the midst of, we don´t need copies and many of the same tone, we need every single unique tone to create this shift as humanity.


One of my first conscious meetings with my spiritual guides was by capturing them in a photo, 7 orbs formed a circle with different faces within the orbs. This was before I even knew what a guide was. Shortly after that experience I started my journey of consciously connecting with them, I discovered that it was easy for me to communicate with the higher realms and other dimensions. I spent 3 years in a mediumship training parallel to a deep plunge into the world of self-discovery and self-healing. The most important lessons for me from this time was: Grounding, Discernment, Heart resonance and Trust. There is an increasing amount of noise in the ether, just like with every connection or source of information it is important to discern and check-in how the information resonates and feels in your heart, this practice is much easier when we are deeply grounded into the Earth and know that we are the captain of our ship. Just like in life, you decide what connections you want and what type of information you want to receive. I made a conscious decision to never either give or receive information that was meant to control my or anyone else’s life, and this holds true until this day.

As I was certified, I experienced that my way of communication was changing. Instead of receiving the information through my channel it shifted into informational download that integrated into my cells and I just “knew” things, this is something I got a more technical understanding of years later. This coincided with me accessing “The Energy” (see above). From where I stand now I see the connections to my guides as a connection to aspects of myself in another dimension that could teach me a lot, and when those teachings integrated the work was done. Now I experience an evolving connection to my Greater Self (eg. Higher Self/Oversoul/Super consciousness). At times I communicate and interact with other types of entities, but I prefer to deepen the connection with my Greater self and the Earth itself. As my connection changed, the type of information changed from the more personal and detailed, to the collective and the bigger pictures. It changed from a situation where I actively invited the connection to come through to always being connected but consciously choosing when to make use of the information. As we grow, and as our belief in ourselves grow, our technology and way of communicating changes, and it is a beautiful thing. I am sure this will continue to change for all of us in the time to come.

I inspire and support humans to discover more of themselves, to better enjoy the experience on earth in this life and to take conscious and liberating steps into their true nature and unique essence.

The Modalities

The weaving and the journey, the uncovering of our essence is a lifelong journey, filled with challenging and wonderful transformational steps. Transformation does not mean that you will become someone else – on the contrary – you will get access to more of yourself, more love. You will discover your innate wisdom and the power of your creator self. You will remember how you can manage your energy and you will be able to enjoy this magnificent experience of living more. In the transformational work I weave intuitive guidance and energy work through the modalities of Breathwork and Sound to meet you where you are at and support your journey and continuous and liberating steps.

  • The intuitive guidance runs like a red thread through all my work. I will invite you to see your life from new perspectives and to trust your own innate wisdom and intuition. I will guide you to your inner realms and together we will create space for allowing your greater self to enter, and to bring openings, clearings, new perspectives, clarity, activations and alignment, whatever is needed in the now. The intuitive guidance is always intended for you discovering more of yourself and aligning with your true self and essence.

  • In an energy transmission I will take you on a journey from a meditative state, the journeys might look very different depending on what you or the group need. The intent of the energy transmission is always to raise consciousness, clear what needs to be cleared, activate what is ready to be activated, all to access the soul’s unique imprint and remind our system of alignment. This modality is used online and in person in individual sessions, mentorships, monthly gatherings, courses, guided alignments and retreats. Read more about the Energy above.

  • The Breath is just like Sound a great tool for taking us out of that rational left side brain space, to bypass the logical mind and move into our subconscious, emotional layers and our body. This type of Breathwork is a mouth breathing practice, and stimulates hypothalamus located in the crown chakra, that releases endorphins which increase our vibration/electrical current that moves though the nervous system. The increased vibration hits against any blocks that sits in its way and support us in dissolving them through different forms of release. We are simply allowing energy to move stagnation and open up new pathways. A Breathwork can be both, clearing, integrative, aligning and activating, so an openness to the practice is always the best approach, trusting that the breath will take you were its needed.

  • Sound is born by vibration and is created when vibration meet the air. Sound has been a primary tool for creation and evolution since the beginning of times. All ancient civilizations have used the sound either as a technology or a medicine or both.

    It is an honor to be the conduit of sound through the Alchemy Singing Crystal Bowls. The sound of the bowls puts us into an alpha (or theta state) where we simply allow the intelligence of our human beingness to heal itself, bypassing the mind, and any resistance we might have of receiving. The research done on the relation between the ear, the brain and the nervous system show that sound balance the brain. The sequence of small bones in the ear, has the function of putting the entire cranium into resonance and mobilize the nervous system, which in turn regulates muscle tensions and the position of the body. Sound simply affects our entire being. I find these kinds of bowls to be especially precise in its vibration, targeting the parts of your system that needs balancing, clearing and refilling. My bowl family is selected to ground and align and activate the Endocrine System, balancing the glands and hormones which runs the show of our emotions.

    The Drum works with the rhythm, reconnecting us with our own heartbeat and the heartbeat of Mother Earth. The Drum is a powerful teacher and can take us on many exciting journeys.

    My throat chakra and voice holds the sound and vibration of my essence, just like yours do. It has nothing to do with how we sing, it is simply about sounding the tone of our essence and letting it reverberate out as the vibration it is, not even words are needed. I use my sound in Energy Transmissions, Intuitive guidance, guided meditations just as much as through playing the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls and the Drum.

GATHER: Soul to Soul

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GATHER: On Retreat

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