My Journey


My short name “Sanna” means true in Swedish, , Sana means healing in Spanish and Sanah is said to mean “be well” in Atlantean language, all of these are great pointers of who I am. The search of my own ever-changing truth has been a red thread throughout my life and has brought deep healing to myself and others. Having my sun in Sagittarius (“I seek, I see”) and rising in Scorpio (“I transform”) aligns with that search for my truth, love for freedom and passion for transformational work. I have always had a free spirit living in me, and I remember my childhood in different types of ambiances and atmospheres, highly sensitive, introvert and strong minded, I was not an easy child to understand – even to myself.  Growing up I started out walking the “linear path” doing what I thought was expected of me, focusing on the mind and the logic and for a while abandoning my sensitivity and creativity. Even though I was unaware and closed down, looking back I can see how my intuition and inner guidance still made everything so much easier for me, even in the arena of career and business. After a while my closed state started to create a big emptiness and a growing frustration in my being. My awakening started alongside my father’s passing, I felt his soul leaving his body, leaving a shell of his bodily form. His passing started a huge process inside of me, leading me to my own awakening. He did not only give me one life, through his passing he gave me a new life.


The decision and dedication. Since the day I decided to open up, the stream of guides and gifts have been abundant on my path. I believe that the decision and dedication to open up, to find our path and to grow into what we are here to be, is the most important factor on the journey of Self Discovery. First comes the decision, then the process. At times we need to go deep into suffering to be able to make our decision,


The awakening. In the first phase I awakened to myself and my gifts, I learned how to communicate with my higher self and my guides. My awakening was of a very soft and gentle nature. The gifts, the energy of love and the signs were magnificent, like falling in love and discovering a new world or dimension so much greater than anything I had experienced before.


The clearings. It soon became clear to me that the spiritual world was no different than the world I was used to; the label of the world you are perceiving is irrelevant, it will mirror you in all of your aspects. The mirroring is always there for your own benefit – so that you have the possibility to clear all that needs to be cleared in order to become more of you, more love. Along with all the beautiful gifts and meetings, came the processing of old wounds and blockages. In the beginning it was deep and tough, both physically and emotionally challenging, sometimes involving months of crying. After a while, and along the rising frequencies, the process got easier, it became a rhythm of its own; insight – acceptance – forgiveness – release – expansion. Today this is an integral part of my life. I learned to listen to myself and my own signals. How does it feel when my mind is in overdrive? How does it feel when the ego is getting uncomfortable and the fears are rising? How does it feel when my body is lacking energy – and what fills me up? How does it feel when my heart is open and closed? Where are the different processes going on in my system? In what layer, in the spirit – mind – beliefs, in the soul – emotional body or in the physical body? What chakra is blocked? I got to be a student of my own growth – and I still am.


The tools. For me shamanism, kundalini yoga and my own spiritual practice in forms of channeling, meditation, group energy work and inner journeys have been the major tools on my journey. Alongside my practices I have welcomed crystals & stones, essential oils, books, journaling, painting, music, dancing, the elementals, nature, animals and astrology as great enablers and supporting tools. My feeling is that new tools and practices are on the way alongside the rising frequencies, so let’s be open to what comes, to new tools for us to use, play and grow with. The most important insight for me is that this journey is not about a secret mystical corridor only open for a few, the journey is open to us all and we choose the tools that feels right for our own journey. In the end It is all about experiencing life, embracing shadows into light, increasing your alignment from the inside and being the change you want to see in the world.


The silence. After the awakening phase I had a long period of much needed stillness and silence. I dare to say that there will be no deep healing and growth without silence and stillness. And by that, I mean either a long period of stillness and silence, or a regular practice of it, preferably both. How will you ever be able to hear your own inner voice, and heart, without actually listening?


The observer. When you arrive at the point of finding your observer, you have come far. The observer is that space that enables reflection in the moment. For example: While anger is rising in me, I can simultaneously notice what is happening and connect to the anger’s root cause and find out what the trigger is in this situation. This space allows us to shortcut the impulse, and if not stop it, at least be able to reflect upon it shortly afterwards and learn from it.


The embodiment. An important and ongoing phase on my journey is the embodiment of the vibration and energy I have opened up to during my journey. Creating Bodhish was a first step of embodiment, offering my services is another and I know that there are many more steps awaiting. For me embodiment means to be able to hold the vibration, not stepping in and out of it but to live it, to create from it and in that way be able to offer the vibration to others. To be the change through your own unique essence.


I am. Labelling in this kind of work is in itself a contradiction. The less labels you carry, the more you can become what you are meant to be. At the same time labels and descriptions help bridge the understanding between people, so here it goes: I am an energy intuitive and a facilitator of transformation and alignment. My natural gift is to create coherence in humans and spaces by clearing discordant energies that is holding alignment back. I also activate dormant gifts in others.



The Wholeness Retreat


BODHISH - A space for play